Pie Recipes

Baking is nothing like cooking.  As Alton Brown says, food + heat = cooking.  Cooking recipes beg for creative variance and experimentation.  Baking, however, is a whole different world.  The process of baking is a complex chemical reaction requiring precision and accuracy.  So, it is imperative to understand the purpose of each ingredient and how they react and interact before attempting any deviations.

The foundation to a great pie, both literally and figuratively, is the crust. And nothing beats a homemade, flaky pie crust that perfectly complements the pie filling.  It's not difficult, but it does take precision and practice.

Classic Pie Recipes

Classic Pie

Sometimes you don't want to experiment or get all avant-garde.  Sometimes you just want a traditional, time-tested, really good pie.  Classics are classics for a reason.

Easy Pie

Whether you're a pie-making novice and want to start simple or just don't feel like putting in much effort, these recipes are easy as...well...pie.

Fruit Pie

Birthday Pie

A birthday is a time to celebrate life, so why has the boring, gooey sugar mass called cake become the epitome of birthday symbolism? Change it up and let pie take its rightful place  as king of special-occasion dessert and indulgence.

Fruit Pie

Once you've mastered the art of making a pie crust, fruit pies are the easiest to prepare.  No delicate custards, no temperamental meringues - just gooey fruit filling surrounded by delicious flaky pastry.

Easy Pie Recipes

Pie for Cake Lovers

Comfort Pie

Pie for Cake Lovers Comfort Pie

Whether you're in the mood for a cakey pie or need to baby-step a cake-lover into the wonderful world of pie, these recipes bridge the gap.

The foods we eat for solace or general feel-good-ness are usually soft, fatty, and/or sweet - unhealthy or maladaptive as it may be.

Pecans, macadamias, peanuts….  Pure nutty goodness.

Pure creamy goodness.

Nut Pie

Cream Pie

Nut Pie Cream and Custard Pie Holiday Pie

Savory Pie

Pot pie, shepherds pie, quiche... Any pie with meat or vegetables.

Holiday Pie

Peanut Butter Pie

Vegan Pie

Vegan diets (sometimes called strict or pure vegetarian diets) are a subset of vegetarianism.  Pie is very easily made vegan, so there is no reason everyone can't Go Pie!

Most  limit their pie preparation and/or intake to the holiday feasts of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.  (And that’s a shame, because pie should be enjoyed on every occasion.  And for no occasion at all.)

Diabetic Pie

Gluten-Free Pie

Diabetic Pie Gluten-Free Pie

Many recipes can be adapted to be diabetic-friendly by simply modifying a few ingredients.  

Most pie fillings are gluten-free, so it’s the crust you have to worry about. It can be done.

All the pies, in convenient alphabetic order.

Peanut butter is great.  Pie is great.  So peanut butter pies must be phenomenal.

Recipe Index

Peanut Butter Pie

Recipe Index

Pie of the Moment

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