

A Cobbler is a traditional dish in both the United States and the United Kingdom, although the meaning of the term is quite different in each country. In the United States, it is usually a dessert consisting of a fruit filling poured into a large baking dish over a batter that rises through when baking. The batter forms as a dumpling within the cobbler as well as a crust for the top.  In the United Kingdom, a cobbler is usually a savory casserole covered in individual scones or biscuits.

Although the cobbler recipes here have specific fruits and dough described, a cobbler is very forgiving and can be substituted, modified, and cobbled together in almost any combination.   So feel free to use the batter from one recipe with the fruit of another, or substitute any fruit you have on hand.

Boy Scouts Dutch Oven Cobbler

One of the Boy Scouts camping traditions is enjoying hot cobbler fresh from the Dutch oven - a simple pleasure of cake mix and fruit filling cooked with hot coals.  The basic recipe is:  Pour fruit filling and pastry stuff into Dutch oven.  Cook with hot coals until done.   Genius.  Scouts are a resourceful bunch, so there are many variations on the recipe using cake mix, ready-made pie crusts, soda, canned fruit...anything tasty you can throw in and make a pastry with.  Here's one basic recipe:

Scouts Dutch Oven Cobbler  

1 can of soda (Coke, Dr. Pepper, Sprite, etc.)

1 box of cake mix or muffin mix

Can of fruit or pie filling

(OR:  skip the soda and use refrigerated pie crusts)

Equipment Needed:

10-inch Dutch oven

Aluminum foil

Line Dutch oven with Aluminum foil

Mix jiffy cake mix and soda

Mix the filling in

Bake for 20-30 minutes with 12-15 coals on top and 8-10 on bottom

A cobbler is like a messy pie. You don't need to worry about a perfect crust or neat slices. A great substitute when you're in a hurry. Or lazy.